cashback shopping deals with shopback

cashback shopping deals with shopback

As digital technology expands, shopping probably has become easier and easier. Like seriously, how many days in a week you go to online sites, either to shop, to view new items or just to compare prices? With a smartphone on your hand, you can also shop online on the go. I personally almost open a shopping site daily, especially when I see an interesting newsletter in my email inbox. 

Since I have an online shopping habit, I am so glad to find ShopBack You know that good thing must share right! It is a shopping site where you can browse so many websites in one place and the best part is you can earn cashback in your account that you can you use to shop again. Well, if you ask what does a cash back means, it is an incentive that you get after finishing a certain transaction that benefits you by giving a percentage of cash. Besides that, you can also find secret deal and sale from your favourite sites. There are so many deals daily, including your favourite Zalora coupon codes or even if you feel like splurging for latest designer goods at Reebonz or Net-a-porter.

I was invited to try out ShopBack Singapore and I literally get so excited to shop! I can see that most of my favourite online shopping is there like Sephora, Guardian, Shopbop and even Food Panda! Aside from fashion, I can also find latest travel deals to various destinations for a long weekend getaway. See the steps below to see how it works.

1.Do an easy sign up for Shopback HERE to start enjoying these perks. Get $5 upon signing cod to start enjoying these perks. Get $5 upon signing up and another $5 when you make your first $25 purchase.

2.Browse Shopback and go to your favourite store to shop
Choose the store you want to visit and there will be a new window opened that directs you to the specific shop. Read the terms and conditions and the amount of cash back percentage as each store has a different cash back value.

3.Start shopping!
Choose the products you want to buy, add to cart, and do payment as per usual. Do not close the window as you need to use the same window that usual. Do not close the window as you need to use the same window that Shopback redirects before.  Ssst, for certain case, e.g. booking a different hotel at Booking.com, you can go back to Shopback again and repeat the steps to qualify for even more cashback.

4.Wait for cashback become redeemable, request payout, and accept the money Upon finishing the transaction, your cutback status will be pending, since the merchant needs to verify the purchase first. After it is verified, you can immediately see the cashback amount that you earned in your account.Then, do a cash out for the minimum $10 amount to your bank account.

So there it is, the simple steps of using Shopback for a better shopping experience! Best thing is, you can also shop on the go via your mobile! Doing an online shopping has never been so rewarding right? Join me for your next shopping experience but don’t forget to first look for the latest available shopping coupons or the best deals on the net at ShopBack

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  1. This sounds like a great site. Love being rewarded for shopping!

  2. Wow this sounds awesome thanks for sharing.
    My blog: RumelaTheShopaholic

  3. Nicely written. Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. Forgot to add that I started following your blog. :)

  4. This SHOPBACK is great. Thanks for your advice and sharing!

  5. This is so great. Love that they have sephora and so many other wonderful brands.


  6. I love a great deal. The website sounds great.


  7. thank you for sharing.. enjoy reading your post..

    Mrs. Aa

  8. Great post! ♥


  9. Thanks for sharing this information.

    Bernie, xx
    The Style Fanatic

  10. Oh yes, I had a great shopping experience with ShopBack sometime back too. Nice post, sweetie! xoxo

  11. Great post!
    follow or follow? let me know

  12. What a fantastic idea! I shop online waaay too much, so I'll have to look into this!




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