Bali Silent Retreat

Bali Silent Retreat

Bali Silent Retreat

Why joining a retreat?

Why does someone join a retreat? Answer varies from finding peace, gain clarity, develop spiritual practice, or just simply for a better mental health condition. I asked myself that same question before visiting Bali Silent Retreat. For one reason or another, this was a great opportunity for me to reconnect back to myself as well as the nature. Imagine staying in a peaceful place surrounded by nature where everything seems to be peaceful, serene, and calming your mind. That was my first impression when I visited the Bali Silent Retreat venue. Something that at first I was quite reluctant about at first, but it definitely gave me a much better clarity and I did enjoy being in silent. Read more below on more details about it and my first hand experience. I decided to went there because I think at that time I needed the clarity and in the phase of spiritual growth.

Bali Silent Retreat Location and How to Get There

Bali Silent Retreat is located in Tabanan area at the mountainside of Mount Batu Karu. Everywhere you look is rice field. It is sort of in the middle of nowhere, away from the hustle bust of the city. It really shows the natural part of Bali, unlike the touristy are we usually visit. I went there by car and the journey from Ubud City Centre takes about one and a half hour. You will be greeted by a two storied house which is the reception where you do the check in. After getting your room key, the staff will show you the location of your room. 

The Room and Food

The room is pretty simple and mine is located on the downhill side of the venue. This place has an ashram style, meaning you have to clean your own dishes, make your own bed when you get in and out of the venue, and so on. There is a simple bed, mirror, a small table, a box where you can put your belonging, windows, and in room bathroom with water heater. So thankful for the water heater because the weather is definitely cold. The meals are vegetarian and we had breakfast, lunch, and dinner as well as snacks. I was truly surprised of how good the food was! The food concept is garden to table, so everything is fresh and cooked in house. There was so many choices I think about 10 menus or so. We had our meal in the main building which is also where the library and reading lounge is located. The entire place is also plastic free and they encourage recycling.

Activities and Facilities

As the name mention, you are not allowed to talk to others here, make a call, and is recommended to turn off your mobile phone. It is truly and completely silent. Event hough the venue has certain activities listed out, but you can opt not to follow any activities and just enjoy your own time. On 6 am we will be greeted by a morning 1 hour meditation followed by another hour of yoga at the meditation tent located outdoor. Breakfast runs from 8 - 9.30 am and lunch is between 12- 1.30 pm. There is another yoga and meditation session on 4-6 pm, then dinner is served around 7pm. In between those hour, you can explore the facilities.

You'll find a crystal labyrinth near the meditation tent. On the entrance is a prayer card and a basket of stones with different word on it. I took the universal prayer and choose the stone of "duality". The phrase always mesmerizes me because for me it translates to the physical and spiritual realm, the yin and yang, the light and show and so on. I took my own time to go through the circular labyrinth in and out. Nearby it is a set of staircase leading you down to the water meditation place. I sat there under the water to meditate. Not lying, it was cold and was kind of freezing even in the midst of the day. Nevertheless, it was on of the most profound meditation I have ever had in my life. 

When I'm not attending the guided classes, I spent my time in the library reading books or just sit and gaze forward to the broad rice field. At times, I would be doing some colouring while munching on my snacks. If I am not in the main building, I will be looking at the ducks near the rice field and how they move in sync with each other. I took a walk around the rice field and sometimes find butterflies with different colours hopping from one flower stem to another. It is the little things that makes me feel happy. In the evening there are different activities provided like the bonfire and herbal mini class. The area is pretty dark at night with very minimal lighting. At night there is also a stargazing point, where you can sit or lay down just to look at the star formation. A little bit further is where the crying bench located, where you can stay there to cry your heart out.

My Key Takeaways from The Retreat

Silence is definitely needed and I don't think I will be able to have this kind of experience in the city I'm living in. It gave me so much peace, clarity, and opened my mind to another level. I might be going back to the place again one day. One thing I recently realised is that, during my water meditation I said that I want the universe to release me from everything that no longer serves me. Little did I know the following months, a lot of things happened. I ended a job, friendship, as well as relationship. I truly truly didn't know how or why that happened. Only today did I realise that now, in this moment, everything and everyone I have around me is something that i truly deserve. To have a job that speaks to your heart, surrounded by love that excel to the next level, and genuine friends are things that I am grateful for every day. Maybe, just maybe, if I didn't attended this retreat, i wouldn't be where I am today. Everything happens for a reason isn't it?

What do you think of this retreat? Have you ever gone for a retreat? Will you do one in the future?


  1. I'd love to do a re-treat. My and my best friend are looking into doing one this year actually. xx

    Zoey - www.zoeyolivia.com

  2. Wow..this sounds like an experience on a different level ... well I have never been on a retreat but it surely sounds like something I want to experience for sure...thanks for sharing this wonderful experience... it is so amazing to read about your thoughts ...keep sharing them :-)
    Beauty and Fashion/Glamansion/Rampdiary

  3. Hi there, I am happy to see you back in action at the blog and I can't wait to see more updates soon :)

    I think this whole idea and place of a silent retirement is perfect and it matches the things you are sharing lately. The idea of going just made me think on how much I need an escapade to a place like this with all these features where you are connected with nature and with your inner part :)

    For the most magical part in the post is where you talk about the many natural features that you can find in the retreat *_*


  4. Hi there, I am happy to see you back in action at the blog and I can't wait to see more updates soon :)

    I think this whole idea and place of a silent retirement is perfect and it matches the things you are sharing lately. The idea of going just made me think on how much I need an escapade to a place like this with all these features where you are connected with nature and with your inner part :)

    For the most magical part in the post is where you talk about the many natural features that you can find in the retreat *_*


  5. What a beautiful place, I loved the photos!
    Your photos are always beautiful ♥


  6. This is so amazing and inspiring and I'm so glad you decided to go! A retreat like this is definitely something I want to experience one day :)

  7. This honestly looks amazing! I'd love to have some quiet time to reflect. The food looks so good too!

  8. What an amazing experience. I love the photos and it looks like the perfect place for a retreat.



  9. I haven't tried to have a retreat but if I do, I will try it first in Bali. That's my dream place because I love nature so much.

    INSTAGRAM: @julieann_lozada

  10. Oh wow this sounds INCREDIBLE!! I could sooooo use a retreat big time the last few years have been rough. Love the photos, looks like you the perfect retreat.

    Allie of

  11. I would love to do a silent retreat like this! Espcially in Bali! I would be a little nervous not to speak but I'm sure I would get used to it. The nature would be all I need to focus on.


  12. Amazing ♥


  13. Oh wow! This sounds so fun - but the silent thing would be soo hard for me haha :D

    Krissi of the marquise diamond

  14. wonderful place to visit.....
    thank you for sharing descriptions and beautiful photos.... love them all.

  15. Wow, this looks like a wonderful experience. Thank you for sharing such beautiful photos. I enjoyed reading the Universe Prayer and would absolutely love to experience this for myself one day.

  16. Wow! This sounds like such a peaceful, reflective experience. Yes, everything does happen for a reason, we just don't understand why at the time. This retreat sounds like something everyone should do, especially in our fast pace world, to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life. I had no idea Bali got so cold! xx

  17. This looks so beautiful and a great place to escape to. I love these photos.https://www.bauchlefashion.com/2023/03/spring-into-fashion-5-fashion-trends-to.html

  18. Such a greatr experience, these pics are so beautiful!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

  19. What a beautiful and peaceful place. I have always wanted to do a retreat, but I've never tried one.


  20. This location looked so pretty from your photos. It certainly is nice to have some time for rest and refreshment. I hope you have a blessed week!

  21. This sounds lovely. I have always wanted to do a retreat like this.


  22. Sounds lovely. Regine

  23. This sounds like an amazing experience. I've never been on a retreat and the idea of being disconnected and surrounded by quiet sounds so peaceful! Your photos are beautiful!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  24. This is breathtaking, and it would be the perfect place to get away.

  25. Wow, this retreat looks and sounds incredible! I can definitely see how it would be so beneficial to just step away from our normal day-to-day and rest in nature, so peaceful. I'm happy to hear all the food was good, and I love farm to table foods!

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend! :)
    Make Life Marvelous

  26. What a fantastic place <3 Nice photos!

  27. Beautiful place with a peaceful vibe

  28. Hi there! I hope you're having a nice season!

    I love the way you share with us these amazing places! I'd love to visit this one since it looks like the perfect spot to disconnect but to reconnect with yourself. I like the way it is linked to spiritual vibes and nature *_* Slowing down is the maximum luxury nowadays!


  29. Hi there! I hope you're having a nice season!

    I love the way you share with us these amazing places! I'd love to visit this one since it looks like the perfect spot to disconnect but to reconnect with yourself. I like the way it is linked to spiritual vibes and nature *_* Slowing down is the maximum luxury nowadays!


  30. Hi there! I hope you're having a nice season!

    I love the way you share with us these amazing places! I'd love to visit this one since it looks like the perfect spot to disconnect but to reconnect with yourself. I like the way it is linked to spiritual vibes and nature *_* Slowing down is the maximum luxury nowadays!


  31. Wow, it looks so serene and lovely! <3


  32. Bali is such a great destination :D

  33. Wonderful experience.Thanks for sharing.
    I invite you to visit my last post. Have a good week!

  34. What an awesome, transformative experience! Thank you for sharing!

    I've got a new post up and would love for you to swing by!


  35. Bali looks impressive, great photos <3

  36. I wish one day I could visit Bali, this place is a dream!
    The pictures are awesome!
    Have a lovely week!


  37. Oh this looks like a good place to meditate, thanks for share about this

  38. What a wonderful place to visit and definitely on my list!


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